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SADO - SORA: Unlocking the Byzantine Code

Time: February 20, 2024 - 12-1:30pm
Location: Zoom

SADO's CDRC will kick off its 2024 virtual lunchtime training series on February 20th with SADO's Assistant Defender, Jessica Zimbelman, on SORA. The Sixth Circuit has called SORA a “byzantine code governing in minute detail the lives of” people on the registry. The Michigan Supreme Court has described SORA as a “publicly accessible database that imposed significant restrictions on the lives of registrants.”

This training will cover how we ended up with such a broad statute that fails to protect the public, which offenses require registration, the plethora of duties imposed by SORA, and objections to registration at sentencing. The training will also include a case law update on all things SORA. 

Check out the flyer for additional information and online registration. Flyers will also be posted on our various social media accounts.

Questions? Please reach out to Kathy Swedlow at