Locate Reentry Services   

Criterion Provides Transportation
Accepts SORA
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SADO’s Project Re-Entry
Learn more about how volunteers are assisting Michigan’s juvenile
lifers to re-integrate into society following resentencing and parole.

Please contact Reentry Services if you have received services from a service provider within this database and would like to leave feedback, or if you are an organization that provides reentry services and would like to be included in this database, or if you have any other comments about this service.

The resources you will find in this database have been identified by SADO as agencies or organizations that offer services to individuals with criminal backgrounds. Because all agencies, organizations and services within this database are subject to change without notice, it is important that anyone interested in a particular service call the agency directly to ensure that eligibility requirements are met.

Read more about the launch of the database.

The Locate Reentry Services project was supported by the Byrne Competitive grant #2012-DB-BX-0008, awarded by the Bureau ofJustice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and by Byrne JAG grant #2013-DJ-BX-0109, awarded by the BJA, OJP, DOJ, and administered by the Michigan State Police (MSP). Points of view or opinions contained within this document do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the MSP or DOJ.