2023 Reentry Workshops

  1. Credit Basics, January 23, 2023: Attendees will learn how to build or repair credit and the impact of credit on their financial future.

  2. Self-Advocacy, February 27, 2023: Attendees will discuss tools and tips to ensure you're speaking up for yourself in relationships, job prospects, or with fellow employees.

  3. Homeownership, March 20, 2023. Attendees will learn tips, tricks, and strategies for first-time (and future) home buyers and sellers.

  4. Self-Publishing, April 24, 2023: Attendees will hear Marvin Cotton's self-publishing journey, including tools for their own self-publishing endeavors.

  5. Post-Traumatic Prison Disorder, May 22, 2023. Shawanna Vaughn of Silent Cry will lead attendees in a discussion of the effects of incarceration on mental health.

  6. Relationships - They're Everything, August 28, 2023, featuring Laura Sacks Kohn, MA LPC. Attendees will learn practical tools to build and improve relationships with the ones they care most about, one conversation at a time.

  7. FAFSA: What Is It? September 25, 2023, featuring Brian Green. Attendees will learn everything about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), including what it is and how to apply for and receive it.

  8. Ultimate Resume and Cover Letter Workshop, October 30, 2023, with presenter Steven Danbridge. Attendees will learn how to write a resume and cover letter that could land them the job of their dreams.

  9. Reentry Holiday Party, December 16, 2023: Attendees will reconnect with friends and family of the reentry community to share gratitude, memories, and accomplishments of the last year.